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23 February 2021 - Sumo Resources Plc Business Update

It is with pleasure that we provide an update of the business activities of Sumo Resources over the past months and the continued impact of Covid-19 on activities.

The ongoing pandemic due to the spread of Covid-19 continues to affect the operations of Sumo Resources. Travel restrictions imposed by various countries are the biggest disruptor for the business. This is due to the fact that most key personnel are foreigners in the project areas. In order to travel negative Covid-19 PCR tests are required within a few days of travel. These tests are not available in our project areas and thus it is not possible to transport key members in and out of these areas. We do not foresee the situation changing until either the testing facilities are provided in our remote project areas or some system exists whereby proof of vaccination is accepted instead of negative PCR tests. We are continuing to do what can be done remotely in terms of identifying target areas inside our research concessions. Operational costs have been reduced to the absolute minimum to ensure the survival of the business through these uncertain times.


In light of the current situation the directors of the company are considering options to diversify the activities of the group. We are considering opportunities in other vertical markets that are not as reliant on travel. Also under consideration are partnerships and/or mergers with other businesses that might want to leverage the listing to the advantage of all shareholders. We will provide updates on these activities in due course.


As always we thank our loyal shareholders for their continued support and patience.

08 July 2020 - Results  of an Annual General Meeting 2020 - Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 03 July 2020

At the meeting shareholders voted on and unanimously passed the following resolutions:

1. Resolution 1 – To adopt the Audited Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2019.                                  

2. Resolution 2 – To adopt the Directors Report for the period ended 31 December 2019.

3. Resolution 3 – To re-appoint Fischer Michael as the group auditors.

30 June 2020 - Notice of change of registered address


Notice is hereby given that the registered address for Sumo Resources Plc has changed with effect 30 June 2020. The new registered address is:


Winnington House 2

Woodberry Grove


London N12 0DR

United Kingdom


18 June 2020 - Notice of an Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at Block C, Stoneridge Office Park, Greenstone, Modderfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa on 03 July 2020 at 12h00 for the following purposes:


1. To receive the annual accounts for the period ended 31 December 2019;

2. To receive the directors report for the period ended 31 December 2019;

3. To re-appoint Fischer-Michael as auditors.

By order of the board

Dated 18 June 2020

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 


A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote and attend instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

19 May 2020 - Sumo Resources Plc Covid-19 Impact


It is with pleasure that we provide an update of the business activities of Sumo Resources over the past months.

The recent and ongoing global economic disruption due to the spread of Covid-19 affected and continues to affect the operations of Sumo Resources, as it has for most other businesses.


The executives, senior managers and consultants the company employs are foreign nationals in our operational areas. As such the various travels bans have a major impact on the ability to be on the ground and direct activities. Therefor all these members have been withdrawn from subsidiaries and operations suspended until further notice.


Work that can be done remotely is continuing where possible. These include remote studies to define exploration targets. Trade in minerals have been halted as it requires cross-border travel to realise revenue.


At this time it is not possible to determine what the demand for our portfolio minerals will be in the future. Therefor we cannot provide timelines for development of exploration projects and trading resumption. We are monitoring ongoing developments and will provide more information about our plans at the appropriate time.


The group is debt free at time of this writing and operational costs has been minimized. With the support of the directors this ensures that the business will survive Covid-19 and can continue operations when we have more clarity on what the world is going to look like in a few months from now.


We would like to thank our shareholders for their patience and continued support.

30 December 2019 - Sumo Resources Plc Business Update


It is with pleasure that we provide an update of the business activities of Sumo Resources over the past months.


The past year has been a challenging one for the company on many fronts. Progress has been slow. We have not been successful in attracting funding for development. This is mainly due to the current low share price. Sumo Resources Plc was approached during the past month as a reverse takeover target. However, the board decided after consultation to decline the offer as it would not have been in the interest of our shareholders.  


SR Tanmin Exploration Operations

We are in process with the development of geological desk studies for PR 13337 and PR 13335.  These are off-site geological surveys aimed at identifying targets in each concession for next level of exploration. We expect these to be completed in the next year. Work for the other six concessions has not started due to a lack of funding.


SR Tanmin Maniema Trading Operations

The company has suspended trading operations to minimize financial losses. As reported before the main contributing factors are the lack of constant supply and adherence to contractual agreements by local producers and co-operatives.



The development of the business is dependent on its ability to attract investment to further develop the exploration programs. The operational losses have been minimized and the business remains debt free. This ensures that the business remains operational. e continue to search for an explore options for funding via partnerships or joint ventures and will provide updates when there is progress.


We would like to thank our shareholders for their continued support.

10 July 2019 - Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 05 July 2019

At the meeting shareholders voted on and unanimously passed the following resolutions:

1. Resolution 1 – To adopt the Audited Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2018.                                  

2. Resolution 2 – To adopt the Directors Report for the period ended 31 December 2018.

3. Resolution 3 – To re-appoint Fischer Michael as the group auditors.

21 June 2019 - Notice of an Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at Block C, Stoneridge Office Park, Greenstone, Modderfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa on 05 July 2019 at 12h00 for the following purposes:


1. To receive the annual accounts for the period ended 31 December 2018;

2. To receive the directors report for the period ended 31 December 2018;

3. To re-appoint Fischer-Michael as auditors.

By order of the board

Dated 21 June 2019

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 


A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote and attend instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

25 April  2019 - Sumo Resources Plc Business Update


It is with pleasure that we provide an update of the business activities of Sumo Resources over the past months.


SR Tanmin Maniema,DRC Exploration Operations

Maniema Province is well known for deposits of Gold, Tantalite, Tin and Wolframite.


The Environmental Rehabilitation Plans for one the seven Maniema concessions, PR 13340, have been approved. For six others supplemental information were requested and submitted.


We are proceeding with the development of desk studies which are off-site geological surveys aimed at identifying targets in each concession for next level of exploration. Specific focus is given to PR 13337 in the Kabambare territory as it has a high probability for a positive exploration result for gold.


SR Tanmin Tanganyika Exploration Operations

Tanganyika Province in the DRC is known for deposits of Tantalite and Tin.  


The Environmental Rehabilitation Plans for the Tanganyika concession was submitted. Subsequently supplemental information was requested and provided in written form. The approval is pending.


In the interim we are developing the desk study for this concession, PR 13335, as a priority. It has a high probability for a positive exploration result for tantalum.


SR Tanmin Maniema Trading Operations

The company’s subsidiary SR Tanmin was granted a Gold Trading License and a Tantalum Trading license.


The trade in these minerals in Maniema has proven not to be as profitable as expected. The main contributing factors are the lack of constant supply and adherence to contractual agreements by local producers and co-operatives. We have decided to adjust our group  trading strategy. More information regarding this is provided in the section below.


Development Plans for the next two years

The plans for the development of the company over the next two years include:

  • Establish a central operations office in Rwanda in the coming months from where trading and exploration activities will be coordinated.

  • Commence Tantalum ore (Tantalite, Coltan) trading from Rwanda.

  • Complete Desk Studies on all exploration permit areas.

  • Complete trenching and pitting exploration work on PR 13335(Nyunzu, Tanganyika) and PR 13337(Kabambare, Maniema).

  • Commence trenching and pitting exploration work on PRs 13333, 13334, 13336, 13338, 13339 and 13340. All in Maniema, DRC.

  • Move the listing of Sumo Resources Plc to a more liquid platform to achieve a realistic valuation for shareholders.



The company is actively looking for ways to fund to execute its development plans. The current share price,  which represents a huge under valuation of the company, is an obstacle. There are options available, but they are not viable until the share price is stabilized at a much higher level. The board is considering options to address this.


Investor Relations

In an effort to improve our Investor Relations responsibility, the company in-sourced this function. Current shareholders are requested to provide their contact details to us at



The outlook for the business remains positive.

8 November 2018 – Sumo Resources Plc subsidiaries granted ITSCI Full Membership

It is with pleasure that we can announce that full membership of our subsidiaries Sumo Resources FZC and SR Tanmin Sarl have been granted by the ITSCI.


This entitles SR Tanmin Sarl to purchase, process and export Tantalite, Tin and Tungsten from miners in the Democratic Republic in Congo that is ITSCI compliant.


The ITSCI membership of Sumo Resources FZC entitles it to trade in Tantalite, Tin and Tungsten sourced from exporters in the Great Lakes Region of Africa which include Burundi, the DRC, Kenya, Rwanda,  Tanzania and Uganda.


The purpose of the ITSCI (( is to create responsible mineral supply chains that avoid contributing to conflict, human rights abuses or other risks such as bribery currently in Central Africa. By participating in the program members can give insurance to upstream users such as Apple, IBM and other large industries that the minerals in the supply chain are sourced conflict free as required by the Dodd-Frank legislation in the United States of America.


A detailed assessment by the OECD recently concluded that the standards of the ITSCI Programme are 100% aligned with the 5 Step due diligence recommendations of the OECD’s internationally accepted guidance for good company management, risk assessment and mitigation, auditing and public reporting in responsible minerals supply chains.


The acceptance of our subsidiaries into the ITSCI program after a long and thorough process allows us to execute our plans of implementing processing facilities and provides additional sourcing possibilities in addition to those in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

09 July 2018 - Sumo Resources Plc Business Update


It is with pleasure that we provide an update of the business activities of Sumo Resources over the past months.

SR Tanmin Maniema Exploration Operations

Maniema Province is well known for deposits of Gold, Tantalite, Tin and Wolframite.


The Environmental Rehabilitation Plans for the seven Maniema concessions have been submitted. As of this writing we have not received formal approval but expect that it will happen in the next month or two.


In the interim we have started developing geological surveys aimed at identifying targets in each concession for next level of exploration.


SR Tanmin Tanganyika Exploration Operations

Tanganyika Province in the DRC is known for deposits of Tantalite and Tin.  


The Environmental Rehabilitation Plans for the Tanganyika concession was submitted. As of this writing we have not received formal approval but expect that it will happen in the next month or two.


In the interim we have also started developing geological surveys aimed at identifying targets in this concession for next level of exploration.


SR Tanmin Maniema Trading Operations

The company’s subsidiary SR Tanmin was granted a Gold Trading License and a Tantalite Treatment and Trading license for the Maniema Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The licenses enable SR Tanmin to source Gold and Tantalite from artisanal miners, co-operatives, local sellers and mines. The end product may be exported by SR Tanmin to its international trade partners.


The supply of Gold to our trading facility in Kindu has been erratic. There are many factors relating to artisanal mining that influence production including periods of heavy rain when there is too much water and times of little rain when there is not enough water. Nevertheless we are optimistic that this will improve and continue to make a contribution to revenues.


As per the previous update the vetting of the Tantalite treatment and trading business by the iTSCi is still ongoing. As recently as last week we received further questions from the auditing company, which were the first questions asked this year. The iTSCi is a non-profit organization that assists companies to track the origin of product through the supply chain from the mines to the end product.  Tagging of Tantalite is mandated by the DRC government before it can be exported.


Staff Developments

The company dismissed Mr Elie Masala as an employee of the company in any capacity. Mr. Elie Masala is an associate of SR Tanmin and was part of the establishment of SR Tanmin.


The reason for the dismissal was that the company found that Mr. Elie Masala was running a parallel structure in Kindu for gold trading and exploitation. In addition to this he also diverted funds intended to purchase gold to his own operations.


Criminal charges have been filed against Mr. Elie Masala for theft and other legal actions initiated to terminate any association to SR Tanmin.


In his absence the directors have taken full control of SR Tanmin and acquired the services of local residents to fulfill the tasks he was responsible for and stabilized operations in Kindu.



The company is actively looking for ways to fund planned exploration and leverage assets. There are a couple of plans in development and updates will be provided in due course.



In summary we can say that solid progress is being made on all fronts although we would off course prefer things to move faster. The outlook for the business remains positive.

25 June 2018 - Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 18 June 2018

At the meeting shareholders voted on and unanimously passed the following resolutions:

1. Resolution 1 – To adopt the Audited Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2017.                                  

2. Resolution 2 – To adopt the Directors Report for the period ended 31 December 2017.

3. Resolution 3 – To re-appoint Fischer Michael as the group auditors.

03 June 2018 - Notice of an Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at Block C, Stoneridge Office Park, Greenstone, Modderfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa on 18 June 2018 at 14h00 for the following purposes:


1. To receive the annual accounts for the period ended 31 December 2017;

2. To receive the directors report for the period ended 31 December 2017;

3. To re-appoint Fischer-Michael as auditors.

By order of the board

Dated 03 June 2018

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 


A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote and attend instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the company.


18 January 2018 - Sumo Resources Plc Business Update


It is with pleasure that we provide an update of the business activities of Sumo Resources over the past months.


Synopsis of Activities

The following is a list of activities completed which are described in more detail further in this release:


  • SR Tanmin was granted exploration rights for an additional six concessions in Kampene, Maniema, DRC.

  • SR Tanmin was granted exploration rights for its concession in Nyunzu, Tangenyika, DRC.

  • SR Tanmin commenced Gold trading.


SR Tanmin Maniema Exploration Operations

Maniema Province is well known for deposits of Gold, Tantalite, Tin and Wolframite.


All of the seven requests are now approved and exploration rights have been granted for all the concessions. The company has appointed an external contractor, BEEC in Kinshasa, to execute the environmental studies required before the actual research can commence. This activity is scheduled to be finalized and approved by April 2018.


SR Tanmin Tanganyika Exploration Operations

Tanganyika Province in the DRC is known for deposits of Tantalite and Tin.  


The exploration rights for the concession in Nyunzu has been granted. The company has appointed an external contractor, BEEC in Kinshasa, to execute the environmental study required before the actual research can be started. This activity is scheduled to be finalized and approved by April 2018.


SR Tanmin Maniema Trading Operations

The company’s subsidiary SR Tanmin was granted a Gold Trading License and a Tantalite Treatment and Trading license for the Maniema Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The licenses enable SR Tanmin to source Gold and Tantalite from artisanal miners, co-operatives, local sellers and mines. The end product may be exported by SR Tanmin to its international trade partners.


SR Tanmin has established a trading facility for Gold in Kindu, Maniema. The Gold trading commenced in October 2017 and the first export trade was completed in December 2017 via Sumo Resources FZC in Dubai. The company has entered into supply and purchase agreements with local miners and plans to export Gold on a monthly basis.


The Tantalite treatment and trading business will start once SR Tanmin is vetted by the iTSCi. The iTSCi is a non-profit organization that assists companies to track the origin of product through the supply chain from the mines to the end product.  Tagging of Tantalite is mandated by the DRC government before it can be exported. The vetting process has been ongoing for a couple of months and we expect this to be finalised soon.



The enterprise is progressing with its expansion at a steady pace and achieved its goals for 2017 with the exception of having the iTSCi vetting completed.


We look forward to provide further progress updates in due course.

16 October 2017 - Sumo Resources Plc Subsidiary Granted Additional Exploration Rights

It is with pleasure that we announce that SR Tanmin Sarl, a subsidiary of Sumo Resources, have been granted exploration rights over seven additional properties.

Six concessions are located in the Maniema province which brings the total concessions in the province to seven. The total surface area of Maniema concessions is three hundred sixty seven square kilometers.

The seventh concession is located in the northern part of Tanganyika province with a surface area of two hundred and five square kilometers.

The rights were granted for exploration of Gold, Niobium and Tantalum.

Exploration work is planned to start early in 2018.

14 August 2017 - Sumo Resources Plc Business Update

It is with pleasure that we provide an update of the business activities of Sumo Resources Plc over the past months.


Synopsis of Activities

The following is a list of activities completed which are described in more detail further in this release:

  • The company completed restructuring of its trading operation

  • The company’s subsidiary SR Tanmin cancelled the Tshope project

  • SR Tanmin was granted a Gold Trading license in Maniema, DRC

  • SR Tanmin was granted a Tantalite Treatment and Trading license in Maniema, DRC

  • SR Tanmin was granted exploration rights in a concession in Kampene, Maniema, DRC

  • SR Tanmin’s applications for exploration rights in six concessions in Maniema, DRC was approved

  • SR Tanmin’s application for exploration rights in one concession in Tanganyika, DRC was approved

  • SR Tanmin established a Gold and Tantalite trading office in Kindu, Maniema


Restructuring of Trading Operation

The directors decided to close down the Hong Kong trading structure in favour of a trading operation in the United Arab Emirates. As such Sumo Resources FCZ was established in Umm Al Quwain Free Trade Zone. This creates efficiencies with regards to the logistics for future trades with similar taxation implications.


Tshope Project Cancellation

In 2016 SR Tanmin entered into a preliminary  agreement with Kadi International to form a joint venture to mine in a property in Tshope Province, DRC where Kadi International owned exploitation rights for diamond and gold mining.


After a contracted due diligence process it was decided to cancel the agreement and thus the Tshope project. Factors contributing to the decision were ownership issues within Kadi, outstanding debts and the probability that not all of the debts were declared. As such the risks far outweighed any benefits.


Maniema Trading Operations

The company’s subsidiary SR Tanmin was granted a Gold Trading License and a Tantalite Treatment and Trading license for the Maniema Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The licenses enable SR Tanmin to source Gold and Tantalite from artisanal miners, co-operatives, local sellers and mines. The end product may be exported by SR Tanmin to its international trade partners.


SR Tanmin has established a trading facility in Kindu, Maniema which is the capital of Maniema province. The Gold trading business is expected to commence on 1 October 2017. The Tantalite treatment and trading business will start once SR Tanmin is vetted by the iTSCi. The iTSCi is a non-profit organization that assists companies to track the origin of product through the supply chain from the mines to the end product.  Tagging of Tantalite is mandated by the DRC government before it can be exported. Vetting by the iTSCi is a slow process and although we have engaged them since May 2017 it seems that it may not be possible for this process to be completed by the end of 2017.


Maniema Exploration Operations

Maniema Province is well known for deposits of Gold, Tantalite, Tin and Wolframite. SR Tanmin applied for seven concessions for exploration in the Maniema province after thorough evaluation. All of the seven requests were approved and to date the rights to one concession in the Kampene area of roughly sixteen square kilometers have been granted. We expect the rights for the other six concessions to be granted shortly. Exploration for Gold and Tantalite is intended. Exploration work is due to start in January of 2018.


Tanganyika Exploration Operations

Tanganyika Province in the DRC is known for deposits of Tantalite and Tin. SR Tanmin did extensive evaluation and prospecting work in the northern part of the province over the past years.


In December 2016 an application was submitted for an exploration permit over an area of roughly 200 square kilometers. The area is to the north of Nyunzu and not far from the Tantalite producing pits in Kisengo and Mai-Baridi. The application was approved and we expect the rights to be granted shortly. Exploration for Tantalite is intended. Exploration work will commence in January 2018.



Overall progress was made on all fronts with the highlight the granting of trading licenses and the establishment of trading and processing facilities in Kindu. This will achieve the stated goal of generating revenue while exploration activities are undertaken.


We look forward to substantial growth in the coming years.

Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 20 July 2017 - 24 July 2017

At the meeting shareholders voted on and unanimously passed the following resolutions:

1. Resolution 1 – To adopt the Audited Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2016.                                  

2. Resolution 2 – To adopt the Directors Report for the period ended 31 December 2016.

3. Resolution 3 – To re-appoint Fischer Michael as the group auditors.

Notice of an Annual General Meeting - 06 July 2017

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at Block C, Stoneridge Office Park, Greenstone, Modderfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa on 20 July 2017 at 13h15 for the following purposes:


1. To receive the annual accounts for the period ended 31 December 2016;

2. To receive the directors report for the period ended 31 December 2016;

3. To re-appoint Fischer-Michael as auditors.

By order of the board

Dated 06 July 2017

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 


A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote and attend instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

Sumo Resources subsidiary granted Tantalite trade and processing license - 03 April 2017

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that its subsidiary SR Tanmin in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been granted a license to trade and process Tantalite.

The license has been granted for execution in the province of Maniema. The province has large reserves on Tantalite but very little industrialised mining thereof.  The majority of production is derived from artisanal mining operations and co-operatives.

The company plans to establish infrastructure and facilities in Maniema province in the coming months to commence trade and processing of Tantalite.

Sumo Resources Progress with Tantalite Processing License - 12 December 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce the progress made by its subsidiary SR Tanmin in the Democratic Republic of Congo with regard to its plans to establish a Tantalite Processing facility in the Maniema Province.

The environmental and feasibility studies for the facility have been completed and subsequently the application for the license has been approved at provincial level.

The next phase is approval at national level which is expected by the end of January 2017.

Maniema province is well known for the occurrence of high grade Tantalite with the ores also containing a high percentage of Niobium.  This quality of Tantalite is in high demand by upstream processors as it produces a high yield.

Sumo Resources subsidiary granted Gold Trading License - 30 November 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that its subsidiary SR Tanmin in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been issued with a license to trade in Gold in the province of Maniema.

The license is only the second one issued for the province and enables SR Tanmin to build operations and trade in gold in the mineral rich Maniema province.

The company expects operations to start in the first quarter of 2017.

Update on Sumo Resources subsidiary new licence applications - 24 October 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce the progress with new license applications by its subsidiary SR Tanmin in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The licenses for Gold trading in Maniema province has met all requirements and was approved at provincial level.  Subsequently the national division of mining has recommended the granting of the license to the minister of mining in Kinshasa. The application is awaiting the signature of the minister. This will be only the second license for gold trading issued for Maniema province and provides an exciting opportunity for growth.

An application for trade and processing of Tantalite and Wolframite is also in progress. SR Tanmin recently selected a suitable site for this processing plant and appointed BEEC Sarl to complete the compulsory environmental study for the establishment of such a facility in the Maniema province.  It is expected that all the approvals for the license will be in place in the first quarter of 2017. This presents another opportunity for SR Tanmin to substantially grow its operations.

Further updates will be made in due course.

Progress with Gold Trading License - 11 August 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that its subsidiary SR Tanmin received provincial approval in Maniema, DRC to trade and export Gold. Final approval by the central government is expected shortly.

Maniema is well known for easily accessible Gold deposits. There are many small Gold mining operations. The license will allow SR Tanmin to source Gold from smaller miners and to export it globally without investing large amounts in direct mining operations.

The price of Gold has risen substantially in the past months and the trend is set to continue. 

Misleading use of Sumo Resources Company Name and Address by Bohemian Investment Group - 11 August 2016

It has come to our attention that a company by the name of Bohemian Investment Group,, is circulating a document using our logo and business address to investors and potential investors in Enfield Exploration Corp and Stratabound Minerals. The document is allegedly an offer  by Sumo Resources to acquire the shares of Enfield Exploration Corp or Stratabound Minerals.

We hereby wish to place on record that Sumo Resources have no connection at all to Enfield Exploration Corp or Stratabound Minerals or Bohemian Investment Group  and has not made any offer to buy the shares of Enfield Exploration Corp or Stratabound Minerals. Investors should not rely on any of the information distributed by Bohemian Investment Group regarding a transaction with Sumo Resources.

Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 July 2016 - 29 July 2016

At the meeting shareholders representing 78 percent of outstanding shares voted on and unanimously passed the following resolutions:


1. Resolution 1 – To adopt the Audited Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31                                                     December 2015.

2. Resolution 2 – To adopt the Directors Report for the period ended 31 December 2015.

3. Resolution 3 – To re-appoint Fischer Michael as the group auditors.

Acquisition Strategy Update - 18 July 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that the company is executing an aggressive acquisition strategy. In our opinion prices of certain commodities in the mining sector will significantly increase over the medium term. This will be driven by a lack of new supply coming online in the coming years and lower grade of ores being mined.

The company will specifically target takeovers of Greenfield Tantalum and Gold projects with the focus on getting the mineral deposits under control of the subsidiaries of the company for future development. Our strategy to focus on low cost surface mining opportunities remains as a criteria for acquisitions.

In this regard the company is in advanced negotiations with various smaller entities that have rights and licenses to minerals. Evaluations of some of the properties are already underway and expected to be concluded in the coming months.

Further updates on our progress will be provided in due course.

Notice of an Annual General Meeting - 06 July 2016

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at 2nd Floor, West Tower, Nelson Mandela Square, Maude Street, Sandton, South Africa on 26 July 2016 at 11h00 for the following purposes:


1. To receive the annual accounts for the period ended 31 December 2015;

2. To receive the directors report for the period ended 31 December 2015;

3. To re-appoint Fischer-Michael as auditors.

By order of the board

Dated 06 July 2016

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 


A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote and attend instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

Co-operation Agreement with Bitmak Sarl – 28 June 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that it has entered into a co-operation agreement with Bitmak Sarl based in the DRC. Bitmak Sarl is the holder of eleven concessions for Tantalite and Gold exploration and mining in the Maniema province of the DRC. Maniema province is well known for vast deposits of Tantalite and Gold.

In terms of the agreement Sumo Resources will evaluate the concessions held by Bitmak and make a selection of suitable concessions to further develop. Sumo Resources will also propose a structure for further co-operation or select to transfer some of the rights to a joint venture or outright own the selected concessions.

The agreement will greatly enhance our access to Tantalite and provide feedstock for a Tantalite processing facility.

Agreement of Conditions for the Granting of a Tantalite Processing license – 24 June 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that during a meeting held on 23 June 2016 with the Ministry of Mining in the DRC, it agreed conditions for the granting of a Tantalite Processing license for its subsidiary SR Tanmin.

The license will allow SR Tanmin to source Tantalite from local miners in the province where the processing facilities are based. After refining the ore to increase the Tantalum content per ton the product will be supplied to customers of Sumo Resources.

We expect to fully meet the conditions for granting of the license in the next three months.

Appointment of Mining Mandate - 16 June 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that it has appointed Rafael Mafinge Banza as its Mining Mandate representative in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mr. Banza is authorized by the local government to operate as a Mining Mandate.

The role of a Mining Mandate Representative is to liaise between mining companies and government institutions. As such they introduce applications for licenses to the relevant authorities and manage the process. The typical requirement to be authorized as a Mining Mandate is to be a qualified lawyer with specialization in mining law.

The appointment of Mr. Banza will assist our subsidiaries to expedite license applications.

Partnership for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Feasibility Study  - 09 May 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that it has formed a partnership with Nuan Tech Ltd to establish the suitability of deploying small sized Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs), also known as drones, for use in early stage exploration work. 

As Sumo Resources operates mainly in very remote areas, the use of this technology has the advantage that it will reduce exploration time and costs significantly in the early stages. It will enable the mapping of the geography and provide visual data that will assist in identifying areas that may become targets for further geological work without deploying costly teams.  As a secondary function the technology is also considered to assist with securing the boundaries of mining properties by being operated periodically to detect unauthorized mining operations.

This partnership is aligned with our goals to reduce evaluation and exploration costs by finding innovative ways to deploy technology.

Formation of Joint Venture for Tshopo Project - 28 April 2016

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that it has agreed to create a joint venture structure for the Tshopo project. The joint venture will hold the seventy percent of the concession for diamond and gold mining that the company previously agreed to acquire. 
The creation of the structure will allow the planned work and operations to commence sooner and will avoid unnecessary delays to the development of the property.

Agreement to acquire a majority stake in an African Gold and Diamond Concession - 21 December 2015

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire seventy percent of an African company that is the holder of a large concession for diamond and gold mining. Geological reports indicate up to two million carats of gem-quality diamonds in the concession area. The mining rights are valid for the next 25 years.

The acquisition provides an opportunity to expand and diversify the portfolio of the company. Sumo Resources management is confident that the transaction will add substantial value and look forward to develop the property with our new partners.

Update on Sumo Resources Subsidiary Activities -02 September 2015

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that its subsidiary in the Democratic Republic of Congo, SR Tanmin, has entered into an agreement with Masel Global to establish a joint venture to evaluate the further processing of in excess of 10,000 tons of semi-processed mining material.

Initial assessment of samples analyzed to date indicates sufficient quantities of three base metals and one minor metal to viably transport and process the material at current market prices. Further analysis with larger quantities will be done to confirm the earlier results and whether the materials contain any precious metals.

In terms of the agreement SR Tanmin and Masel Global will equally bear costs and share profits.

The applications for new concessions and licenses are in an advanced state. Currently the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo is planning to introduce a new mining code. The proposed code seeks higher royalties and government taxes. The new proposals are awaiting approval of parliament. The management of SR Tanmin expects its applications to be processed soon after the approval of the new mining code.

The management of Sumo Resources is confident that good progress is made by its subsidiary SR Tanmin and that the business is sustainable with excellent growth prospects.

Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 09 April 2015 - 24 April 2015

At the meeting shareholders representing 83 percent of outstanding shares voted on and unanimously passed the following resolutions:


1. Resolution 1 – To adopt the Audited Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31                                                     December 2014

2. Resolution 2 – To adopt the Directors Report for the period ended 31 December 2014.

3. Resolution 3 – To re-appoint Fischer Michael as the group auditors.

Notice of an Annual General Meeting - 26 March 2015

Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the company will be held at 164 Katherine Street, Pinmill Farm Office Park, Building 2 (First Floor), Sandton, South Africa on 09 April 2015 at 11h30 for the following purposes:


1. To receive the annual accounts for the period ended 31 December 2014;

2. To receive the directors report for the period ended 31 December 2014;

3. To re-appoint Fischer-Michael as auditors.

By order of the board

Dated 26 March 2015

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 


A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote and attend instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

Trade of Sumo Resources PLC Shares Commences on Euronext Paris - 09 March 2015

Market data can be accessed via the below link:

Euronext: MLSUM


Admission of Shares on Euronext Paris - 04 March 2015

Sumo Resources Plc announced today that the shares of the company have been admitted to trading on the Euronext Paris. The shares will trade under the symbol MLSUM on the Marché Libre segment as from Monday 09 March 2015. The listing on Euronext Paris will provide greater liquidity in the trade of the shares of Sumo Resources and support capital raising activities to expand business activities. 

Results of the General Meeting held on 27 January 2015 to vote on a resolution to delist from the GXG Markets - 29 January 2015

At the meeting a majority of 83 percent of shareholders voted for a resolution to delist the Company from trading its shares on the GXG Markets and to authorize the board to apply for admission on a suitable exchange.

The decision to delist was based mainly on the inability to raise funds which was the initial intent for the listing.

The Company is in the process of evaluating alternatives for raising funds and trading of its shares and will make announcements is this regard in due course.

As such the company informed the GXG of the result of the meeting and requested that the last trading day on the GXG be 28 February 2015.

Notice of a General Meeting - 13 January 2015

Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the company will be held at 164 Katherine Street, Pinmill Farm Office Park, Building 2 (First Floor), Sandton, South Africa on 27 January 2015 at 10h30 for the following purposes:

1. To vote on the delisting of Sumo Resources Plc from the GXG Markets.


By order of the board

Dated 13 January 2015

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 

A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote, and attend, instead of him. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

Appointment of Capital for Markets - 15 December 2015

Sumo Resources Plc is pleased to announce that it has appointed Capital for Markets GmbH as a listing and fund raising advisor. Capital for Markets is a Munich based investment boutique assisting private and listed companies in raising funds from institutional and retail investors. 


Notice of an Annual General Meeting - 17 June 2014

Notice is hereby given that the 2014 annual general meeting of the Company will be held at 164 Katherine Street, Pinmill Farm Office Park, Building 2 (First Floor), Sandton, South Africa on 01 July 2014 at 10h30 for the following purposes:

1. To receive the report of the directors for the year dated 31 December 2013.

2. To receive the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013.


By order of the board.

Dated 17 June 2014

5 Jupiter House 
Calleva Park 


A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to vote and attend, instead of him. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

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